Crime Scene Witness by Dana R. Lynn

Crime Scene Witness by Dana R. Lynn

Author:Dana R. Lynn
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Harlequin
Published: 2023-01-31T17:15:10+00:00

* * *

Had he come close to kissing her? She held her hand over her heart, trying to get her breath back. It wasn’t even 10 a.m., and they’d had an exciting morning already, even without the almost kiss that had knocked her off balance.

Her mind returned to the matter of how the killer kept finding them. This house was literally out in the boonies. It was so far off the main roads they probably couldn’t even get cable lines here. So how did they know? If his car wasn’t bugged, and the station wasn’t—

They’d never checked her stuff. She’d been carrying that pink camouflage backpack with her since this started. It had been in the trunk of her car before she’d gone to Tracy’s house.

She ran to the door of the house. “Micah!”

He came running. “What’s wrong? Is everything all right? Where’s Shelby?”

She put a hand on his arm to calm his panicked questions. She’d not seen him this flustered before. His concern warmed her heart. She shoved the warmth away. There was no time to let herself get bogged down with emotions.

“Everything’s fine. But I think I know how they’re finding us.”

That got his attention. “I’m listening.”

“I think whatever they’re using to track us is in my bag. The one I had in my trunk.”

He lost color, shocking her. “Of course. Where is it?”

Spinning, she ran over to the bag. She’d brought it in with her to charge her batteries while he’d dealt with the attacker. Her neck tingled when he came to stand behind her. Fingers trembling, she shoved the bag into his waiting hands.

Micah upended the bag over the overstuffed couch in the living room. The contents spilled onto the plush cushions. She and Micah went over each item that had been in her bag. Nothing. Then he looked up at her.

“What about Sonny?”

A chill swept through her. The toy went everywhere they went, too. The idea of someone, a killer, getting that close to her daughter, had the acid pooling and roiling in the pit of her stomach.

She walked to her daughter. “Honey, we need to see Sonny for just a minute, okay?”

She held out her hand. Her daughter gave her the pony. Lissa marched back to Micah and handed the animal to him. Feeling her legs wouldn’t support her, she dropped down on the matching living room chair, watching his every action. He squeezed and examined each inch of the pony.

“I can’t feel anything.” He whispered to her. “Before we take the horse apart to search more thoroughly, did you remove everything from the bag? Is there anything at all left in here?”

“My charger.”

Standing, she moved to the counter in the kitchen and grabbed her cochlear implant battery charging dock and the cord. She removed the batteries. He’d never realized how big they were. Each one was nearly an inch long. He checked each one, then handed them to her. Next, he flipped the charger over. There was a silver sticker on the bottom. A sticker that described where the device was made.


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